Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 31- January 31st 2012

I took my neighbour a mini Apple Toffee loaf today as a 'thank you' for watching Mr. Man on the weekend while I Zumba'd. It was just recently brought to my attention how sometimes lines can be blurred between friends when it comes to watching/babysitting each others kids and expected payment. I always will offer to pay, and usually it is always declined...so instead, I bring something over (like dinner or a loaf or cookies) or I make a nice card...I always want to make sure the people in my life know how much I love having them there and that their acts of generosity and kindness towards me do not go unnoticed or unappreciated. Because- they are ALWAYS noticed and ALWAYS appreciated.

Thanks A for helping out with Mr. Man, and Miss C...I'm not looking forward to you moving... :(

Today's RAoK- thanks!


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